Warranty On DGMINGCase Products

“Do you have a guarantee or warranty?”
Yes – DGMINGCase only chooses to stock the very best quality products from professional China manufacturers. The quality is guaranteed.
All products that arrive in the DGMINGCase warehouse are checked for perfect appearance and correct functionality.

Due to our stringent sourcing and QC processes, the fault rate on products shipped out by DGMINGCase is very low. However, sometimes faults develop which couldn’t be detected before, and we will help you solve these problems to a level far beyond what you will receive from any other China-based seller.
If you have any difficulties whatsoever with the products, or you are dissatisfied for whatever reason, you can contact us and we will discuss the issue in an open, honest way.

  1. In general, if a product develops a fault during the 1 months since you received it, and the fault is due to a quality issue rather than your own breakage or misuse, we will accept a return.
  2. Customers need to pay the cost of returning faulty products back to the DGMINGCase returns address as instructed by Customer Support.
  3. Returns without prior discussion and authorization will not be accepted.
  4. When we receive your authorized return we will repair the product for free and send it back to you for free. In general you will receive back, fixed, the same product you returned to us.
  5. If a repair is impossible we will credit you what you originally paid so you can choose to buy a new one or change to a different item.
    We don’t believe companies should ignore their customers or try to hide from problems. We will do our best to deal with your enquiries promptly and helpfully. Please tell us if you are a drop-shipper and have returns issues with DGMINGCase goods you have sold to your customers.

Exceptions to Warranty

  1. We do not offer warranty or support for products not bought from DGMINGCase.com.
  2. The warranty does not extend to free repair / replacement in cases to damage to products, accidental breakage, misuse, or wear and tear.

The refund will be made 3 days within receiving because we need time to check or repair.

Return Policy

  1. All returns must be sent back within 14 days of receipt. A valid tracking number is requested to prove the date of returning.
  2. We only accept products in their original packagings and conditions. We are not responsible for any breakings, scratches or losses caused by poor packing, unreasonable laying, or misused and assembled parts.
  3. All returns must be informed with the acknowledgement of DGMINGCase before return. Please inform our correspondent sales in advance before return.
  4. Returns should be made by mail postal service, no DHL, no Fedex, no UPS nor TNT. There must be a tracking number which could be followed on a related website. Otherwise, we’re not responsible for any duties on China’s side.
  5. Customer is responsible for the return postage and DGMINGCase responsible for re-sending postage.
  6. We reserve the right to reject services that would void the warranty and return policy, or if the products are damaged by customers.

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